Misconceptions about mediumship
With regard to mediumship, many things are said that are not necessarily in accordance with the truth...
Misconception 1
" A loved one who passed recenly cannot communicate immediately because they must first pass on "
From my own experience, I know that this statement is incorrect. Loved ones in Spirit can communicate immediately after their death. It is true that communication is easier with one loved one in spirit than with another, just as it is easier to talk about your feelings with one person than with another.
A very well-known example of this is the following:
The mother of Gordon Higginson, a world-famous English medium, went to a mediumship demonstration. The medium doing the demonstration communicated with Gordon's grandmother. Gordon's mother said that this was not possible as she had just left her mother 15 minutes earlier who was still alive.
The medium gave various proofs to show that it was indeed her mother and gave a message. When Gordon's mother came home her mother had died.

Gordon Higginson (London, 17-11-1918 - 18-01-1993) Well-known medium who did his first major mediumship demonstration at the age of 12
Misconception 2
" People who take their own life remain in a twilight zone and cannot communicate "

If a medium cannot make contact with a loved one in spirit, this does not necessarily mean that he or she is in a twilight zone, if such a zone even exists.
For communication, mediumship makes use of the medium's frame of reference. This means that all knowledge, values, norms and convictions of the medium are used to make contact with the Spiritworld, and to translate the messages to the receiver.
So there is a chance that a medium cannot make contact with someone who took their own life if he or she, from his or her own frame of reference, is convinced that no communication is possible with people who have passed by suicide.